Artists deploy their special talents to provide entertainment for the enjoyment of others. To perfect their crafts, artists often make lifetime sacrifices involving further learning and skills development in various fields. Therefore,
various business and relationships evolve in the delivery of the final products. We provide legal services and protect the interests of parties in the many areas of the entertainment industry, such as Film, Television, News
Media, Radio, Theatre, Publishing and Music. We also advise the individuals and entities operating in the industry on legal matters relating to the various facets of the entertainment field. We provide services in the following
areas, among others:
- Negotiations involving parties such as artists, agents, production company or studio, and make sure that our clients get fair compensation for their contributions.
- Protecting Intellectual
Property (IP) is big business in the industry. We protect IPs such as screenwriter’s spec script to a musician’s original song and anything created by our clients from those who may want to buy
it, option it, license it—or infringe upon it with unauthorized use. We ensure that a client’s intellectual property is handled properly and protected when copyright or trademark issues arise.
- Advising: We are a great general resource when a client must deal with a professional matter of law, which is outside their area of expertise.
- Contracts: We draft contracts for our clients, review contracts from managers, publicists, record labels, film studios and others to make sure they're legal and fair to the client and then negotiate those
contracts to get the best deal for our clients. Among contracts we negotiate and draft are contracts for Agency, Management, Co-management, Composer-Publisher and Exclusivity, Licences, Collaborations, Master Use and
Synchronizations, Master Purchase and Sale, Sale of Music Publishing Catalogue etc.
- Legal Compliance: We help artists to secure the rights to use music what other artists have written and ensure compliance with copyright laws.